About Me

I'm a sound designer and musician working on immersive and interactive projects: AR, VR, games, installations, and live performances. In my works, the audience shares the feeling of presence, and illusion unveils elements of reality.

I have a diverse background in music playing various instruments somewhat purposefully for the most part of my life, working with live audio and sound editing, and teaching music and sound engineering. My teaching career got me to work with incredible and inspirational students, get exposed to more musical genres than I knew that exist, spend countless nights writing arrangements for the most unconventional ensembles, and get to live through the excitement of bringing countless spectacular productions to life.

Since 2019, I've been working full-time as a sound designer and composer, specialising in immersive and interactive projects. Currently, my main venture is 'Full-AAR' at WHS Theatre, Helsinki, where we explore the narrative use of audio augmented reality (AAR). I also putting in time on occasional freelance projects as well as my own video game company Mindhaven Games where we undertake both in-house and subcontract projects.

Master of Arts (Art and Design), 2021

Sound in New Media, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland

Master of Music, 2008

Music Education, Sibelius Academy, Helsinki, Finland

Professional Experience
Sound Designer, Project Lead, since 2021

WHS Theatre, Helsinki, Finland

Audio Director, since 2019

Mindhaven Games, Helsinki, Finland

Sound Designer and Composer, since 2016

Freelancing mainly in AR, VR, live performances and installations

Musician and Sound Technician, since 1994

Freelancing in several ensembles and countless projects

Lecturer in Music, Teacher in Sound Engineering, 2007−2019

Kallion lukio (Kallio Upper Secondary School), Helsinki, Finland

Music Teacher, 2006−2011

Helsingin kuvataidelukio (Visual Arts School of Helsinki), Helsinki, Finland

Co-founder of WYC Radio training programme, 2014−2015

Westbury Youth Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa

Cello teacher (part-time), 2006−2010

Töölön musiikkiopisto (Töölö Music School), Helsinki, Finland

Other studies
Art history studies, 1999−2000

University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

Film studies, 1998−1999

Southampton Institute (Solent University), Southampton, UK


Cycling, Amateur radio (OH3SD) and radio orienteering